This is the second year that I was able to participate in an "After Prom Party" at a local high school doing readings. The shop that I rent space at has been involved the past two years, and asked me if I would like to do readings at this event, last year it was a lot of fun, but very tiring - I ended up being the "last witch standing" as I was doing readings while they were taking down the tent and tables around me, but the kids were patiently waiting, and I don't like to disappoint people.
So this year, there were three of us there, and two of us were able to stay for the four hours to do readings until 3:30am. WHEW! I had no idea that high school kids would be interested in getting readings, but if it's a free reading, then what the heck, right? It's something to do.
I believe that "After Prom Parties" are a great idea. It's been a long time since I was in high school, but I did go to 4 different Proms. And we won't discuss what we did after the prom - lol - nothing all that bad I suppose, being small town kids... nothing to do around here, as they say. But I know plenty of kids who have gotten into a ton of trouble after the prom, and I know that this is the time when a lot of drunk driving accidents happen. I am happy to be a part of a community where there is a commitment to keeping our children safe, and still give them an atmosphere where they can have fun.
I hope that the kids who got free readings from me that night enjoyed them as much as I enjoyed being able to be there.
Good luck to all of the Class of 2014!